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  • Póster: Mejora de la productividad y la sostenibilidad de la industria del pollo de engorde en los últimos 20 años

    Nuestro programa de selección equilibrado ha aportado mejoras continuas en Bienestar, Sostenibilidad y Productividad a la industria del pollo de engorde a lo largo de muchos años. El póster muestra algunos de los avances en sostenibilidad de los pollos de engorde en los últi… Read more

  • UniPlus – Ross – Uniformity Spreadsheet Tool

    UniPlus – An Excel spreadsheet tool to predict the weight distribution of a flock of either single sex or mixed sex birds from either sample weights or average weight and coefficient of variation.  The tool is useful for either predicting broiler kill weight ranges or broile… Read more

  • UniPlus Lite – Ross – Uniformity Spreadsheet Tool

    UniPlus Lite – An Excel spreadsheet tool to predict the weight distribution of a flock of either single sex or mixed sex birds from either sample weights or average weight and coefficient of variation. The tool is useful for either predicting broiler kill weight ranges or br… Read more

  • Read Me Instructions for the UniPlus Tool

    The document includes instructions and system requirements for the UniPlus - Uniiformity Spreadsheet Tool. Read more

  • Ross Best Practice in the Hatchery: SPIDES

    SPIDES-treated eggs are briefly heated weekly for as long as the eggs are stored. Treatment slows the reduction in hatchability and reverses the delay to chick emergence, commonly observed when eggs are stored too long. Read more

  • Aviagen Best Practice in the Hatchery: SPIDES

    SPIDES-treated eggs are briefly heated weekly for as long as the eggs are stored. Treatment slows the reduction in hatchability and reverses the delay to chick emergence, commonly observed when eggs are stored too long. Read more

  • Ross Parent Stock Management Handbook – New & Interactive

    The purpose of this Handbook is to help Aviagen customers optimize performance from their parent stock. It is not intended to provide definitive information on every aspect of parent stock management, but to draw attention to important issues, which if overlooked or inadequa… Read more

  • Broiler Myopathies Handbook

    While the incidence of Broiler Myopathies is erratic and not observed in all regions of the world, it has become an important issue for the industry as a whole. This document incorporates findings of the latest investigative research. Read more

  • Aviagen How To Ventilation…1 to 6

    This new How To series describes key ventilation management procedures, to ensure the house environment is maintained at optimum levels. Achieving good practice in ventilation management will aid in maintaining the birds comfort and health and subsequent breeder and broiler … Read more

  • Ross How To Ventilation…1 to 6

    This new How To series describes key ventilation management procedures, to ensure the house environment is maintained at optimum levels. Achieving good practice in ventilation management will aid in maintaining the birds comfort and health and subsequent breeder and broiler … Read more


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