This document details the key best management practices when transferring broiler breeders from rear to lay facilities. Where rear and move facilities exist birds are transferred out of the rearing facilities and moved to the laying facilities before lay commences. This proc… Read more
This interactive pdf is designed to be used as a smart tool, offering a quick reference guide to get to key parts of existing literature to help you identify the causes of infertility issues you may be experiencing with your flocks. Read more
At around 18 days of incubation, eggs have to be taken out of the setters, moved from setter trays to hatcher baskets and transferred into hatchers for the last 3 days of incubation. Transfer must be carefully organized and managed to avoid eggs becoming chilled or over-heat… Read more
Biosecurity creates hygienic conditions within the poultry house to minimize the adverse effects of disease, optimize bird performance and welfare, and provide assurance on food safety issues. Poor bird health has a negative impact on all aspects of flock management and prod… Read more
Incorrect egg handling from nest setter can negatively impact fertility and hatchability. The poster gives best practice for egg handling from nest to setter covering, egg collection, fumigation, egg storage and transport. Read more
The How To’s are designed to be simple, back to basics documents describing critical management areas, their importance and how to achieve them. The Vet How To’s provide step by step guidance on key veterinary management practices and techniques that will aid and promote ove… Read more
One of the most difficult tasks of hatching egg producers is to produce optimum egg weights in early production while controlling late egg size in older flocks. As birds age, a gradual increase in egg size is inevitable; however, with proper flock management it is possible t… Read more
This is a short technical article written by Dr Marcelo Silva. The article discusses the need for a holistic strategy for feeding the modern broiler breeder in order to maximize their reproductive potential. Read more
The purpose of this pocket guide is to help optimize broiler processing performance. It provides information and guidance on how to improve management practices at the farm and processing plant, to help promote carcass quality. The management practices contained within this … Read more
One of the most challenging aspects of managing any generation of birds is that of environmental control in open-sided houses. In regions where the hot weather season can see temperatures reaching 40C (104F), it is essential to pay extra attention to bird management. Read more